Monday, October 25, 2010

Check Record Exists in SQL Server Database [C#.NET] via Checksum field

Main Function:

public void Add(Dictionary fields, string ConnString)
if(_SqlConnection != null && _SqlConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
foreach (KeyValuePair _item in fields)
_columnn += (_columnn.Trim().Length != 0 ? "," : "") + _item.Key ;
_values += (_values.Trim().Length !=0 ? ",'" :"'" ) + _item.Value + "'";

if(_columnn == "ID")
_chkSum = ComputeCheckSum(_values);

if (RecordExists(ref _SqlConnection, "SELECT CheckSumValue
FROM dbo.CER_PubMed
WHERE CheckSumValue = " + "'" + _chkSum + "'"))
// record found in DB, lets do record found task
//String _sqlUpdate = "UPDATE dbo.CER_PubMed
SET CheckSumValue = 27
WHERE CheckSumValue =" + _chkSum;

Console.WriteLine("Record exists");
// record not found in DB, lets do record not found task
_columnn += ",CheckSumValue";
_values += ",'" + _chkSum + "'" ;

_sql = string.Format(_sql, _columnn, _values);
SqlCommand _command = new SqlCommand(_sql, _SqlConnection);

Console.WriteLine("Record not found");


Validate Function:

public bool RecordExists( ref System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection _SqlConnection, string _SQL)
SqlDataReader _SqlDataReader = null;
SqlCommand _SqlCommand = new SqlCommand(_SQL, _SqlConnection);
_SqlDataReader = _SqlCommand.ExecuteReader();

catch (Exception _Exception)
// Error occurred while trying to execute reader
// send error message to console (change below line to customize error handling)
return false;

if (_SqlDataReader != null && _SqlDataReader.Read())
// close sql reader before exit
if (_SqlDataReader != null)
// record found
return true;
// close sql reader before exit
if (_SqlDataReader != null)

// record not found
return false;


Compute CheckSum:

public string ComputeCheckSum(string chkFieldStr)
string _chkSum = string .Empty ;
char[] char1a = null;
Byte[] byte1a = null;
byte[] hash1 = null;

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(chkFieldStr))
char1a = chkFieldStr.ToCharArray();
byte1a = new byte[char1a.Length];

for (int i = 0; i <>
byte1a[i] = (Byte)char1a[i];

hash1 = ((HashAlgorithm)CryptoConfig.CreateFromName("SHA1")).ComputeHash(byte1a);
return _chkSum = BitConverter.ToString(hash1) ;
return _chkSum ;
